The Dynamic Change Paradigm
This edition is completely based on a conversation I had with ChatGPT a couple of days ago.
I thought it would be interesting to share both how I’m using ChatGPT and the outcome of this discussion, because I kind of like where this is going.
Where it started
I recently was reminded of the Pace Layers Concept and for the life of me, I just couldn’t remember what it was.
I asked ChatGPT to explain pace layers in the simplest form possible and that’s exactly what I got.
As I read through the explanation there was a *click* in my mind and I asked ChatGPT how Pace Layers, Principles over Processes (I shared my articles) and Chaos Theory might fit together.
We pushed some ideas back and forth a bit more evolving the concepts until I was more happy with the results and asked ChatGPT to write an article on the outcomes of that discussion.
ChatGPT generated a really cold and sterile article, but it did kind of get me thinking whether this could be the start of something.
Where it is now
Between the two of us, we tested out a few names and came up with The Dynamic Change Paradigm, which unites the 3 concepts to attempt a holistic approach to adaptability.
The basics are pretty simple:
- Pace Layers — Looks at the diverse rates of change and how recognising those different rates of change can helps us to identify the right approach and define the right level of expectations. It also helps us remember how changes on different layers can affect the remaining layers.
- Principles over process — I’ve discussed a few times, but it basically looks at the adaptability of change by not creating a too defined a structure, but rather setting guardrails to help organisation adapt to ever changing landscapes and scaling team structures.
- Chaos Theory — With Chaos Theory, we almost define the underlying principle by which to approach the other 2 concepts. Learning to embrace the mess and be comfortable with uncertainty and learn to work with it, rather than trying to take control.
Looking at it as a framework, it’s about 3 connected concepts:
- Accept and thrive in uncertainty
- How to be adaptable to that uncertainty
- Understand that adaptability has different speeds
And for me that seems like a pretty interesting baseline and I’ll probably keep digging in a bit more. I might reach the conclusion that it’s a bit of a reach connecting the 3, or that we’re missing a fourth concept… I really don’t know.
For full transparency, you can also find the full unedited article that ChatGPT generated here, for anyone interested. I summarised quite a bit for this edition.
Please bear in mind that the ChatGPT article is very raw, repetitive and superficial, but reading between the lines, I was interested in how the concepts kind of did fit together.
Closing thoughts
This is exactly how I use ChatGPT on a day to day basis. I throw questions at it, then I push back or build on the answers until something starts unlocking an idea or concept for me.
In this case, it’s still a very raw concept, but I wanted to share, just because I thought it was fun to see how we can challenge our thinking or connect separate concepts.
Maybe this way we can make some sense of all the chaos… but not too much, because, Chaos Theory … 😜
P.S. Please let me know your thoughts on the above topic and let me know if there is any topic that you would like me to explore or dig into more.
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